Friday, July 22, 2011

Fix process form relations

Hello readers,

It could occur that the form relation with the process is gone and you cannot select it in the process anymore. This can be done by selecting "remove form" in the Activity Inspector of Process Builder. A quick way to fix this:

create dm_relation object set relation_name = 'dm_process_form', set parent_id = (select r_object_id from dm_process where object_name = '{process object name}'), set child_id = (select r_object_id from dm_xfm_form where object_name = '{task object name}'), set permanent_link = 1;

If you have multiple versions of a process or form please use the r_object_id's instead of the sub-queries.

Kind regards, Marcus

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Documentum User Inbox Query

Hello readers,

A really simple yet effective DQL query is the following:

EXECUTE get_inbox WITH name='{user}';

It gives you information about the task but also the workflow and the included packages.

Kind regards, Marcus