Saturday, July 13, 2013

xCP2 Version Control

You can use a third-party source control system to manage application resources. All source control actions are initiated through the third-party source control client. The following high-level steps summarize how to use a third-party source control system to manage resources:
  1. Install the source control repository and client.
  2. Create an xCP Designer application on your file system.
  3. Add the application root folder to the source control repository.
    Exclude the following folders (indicated with a forward slash) and files when adding the application root folder and its contents to the repository:
    • configuration/
    • gen/
    • META-INF/
    • target/
    • .index
    • .generatedresources
    • runapp.log
    • exportApp.log
  4. Verify that the application is under source control by confirming the following folders (indicated with a forward slash) and files are in the repository:
    • .settings/
    • Artifacts/
    • content/
    • lib/
    • src/
    • .classpath
    • .project
    • pom.xml
  5. To work with an application that another developer has added to the source control repository:
    • Check out the application from the source control repository to the checkout directory on your file system.
    • Import the application into your xCP Designer environment.
      Do not select the option to import a copy of the application.
    • After you update shared resources, check them into the source control repository.
    • To get changes that were checked in by other developers, use your source control client to synchronize your local file system with the changes from the source control repository and then click Refresh on the xCP Designer toolbar to pick up the latest changes.
Refer to the documentation for your source control system for more information on setting up a source control system and using the source control client to complete source control actions.

Kind regards, Marcus

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ADTS 6.7 Word to PDF (page numbering incorrect)

Hello readers,

While using ADTS 6.7 to convert Word to PDF I encountered the problem that simple page numbering is not working correctly.
The solution to this problem is simple.

Add the following registry entry to the DTS/ADTS Server:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adlib\Adlib Express\1.0.0\Native App Settings\Microsoft Word]
Restart Adlib and DTS/ADTS Services.

Kind regards, Marcus

[Source: EMC Technical Support]

AdvancedPDFProcessor - Time Out Within Advanced PDF Plugin

Hello readers,

Today I was again struggling with ADTS 6.7 to convert Word to PDF.
I know that I solved the problem before...

After a bit of digging I found the solution.
The problem is the Adlib software while running on a server in domain.

The log message
INFO [***] AdvancedPDFProcessor - Time Out Within Advanced PDF Plugin

The solution
- Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Documentum\CTS\Adlib\Express Web Services\Connector\ExponentConnector.exe".
- Browse to "Tools" > "Exponent Connector Options" and select "Exponent Managers" tab
- It should have two entries one with machine name and other with full machine name with domain. If not add the missing one.
- Carry out similar steps with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Documentum\CTS\Adlib\Express Web Services\Manager\ExponentManager.exe".
- Restart all CTS/ADTS and Adlib services.

Kind regards, Marcus


Decrypting passwords in Documentum

Hello readers,

In some situations you need to recover an encrypted password.
If you have a super user account you can use the following API command.
This will give you the password in plain text.

Kind regards, Marcus

Friday, January 27, 2012

xCP Information Center

Hello readers,

Are you working on xCP projects and/or problems?
Do you need the right documentation? But you don't want to search on Powerlink?

The EMC Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform (xCP) 1.6 Information Center is a dedicated web-based documentation system comprised of product documentation for Documentum 1.6 xCP components to help you build dynamic case-based applications. This information center enables you to navigate through available documentation and supports full-text searches, allowing you to quickly find information across the documentation set.

Kind regards, Marcus