Friday, November 5, 2010

New dqMan is coming!

Hello readers,

Good news, a new version of dqMan is coming.
You can find a nice looking video on (
This video summarizes the core features of dqMan.

"The Xtended version now provides an object navigator, giving you direct access to all properties of an object and all relations to other objects. With a mouseclick you can browse through the objects of your repository. Another useful feature is the object compare function, allowing detailed consistency checks between any objects from any repository. Or copy attribute definitions between types or repositories, edit attribute value assistances and value mappings, restore deleted objects without leaving dqMan and many more... . And welcome a new member of dqMan suite, the daMan, focused on important aspects of audit trail management."

Kind regards, Marcus

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

dqMan Templates

Hello readers,

Here are some dqMan templates I would like to share with you.
They helped me a lot over the past few years.

Running Workflows
select p.object_name as process_name, wf.supervisor_name, wi.r_performer_name, a.object_name as activity_name, wi.r_creation_date as wi_creation_date, wi.r_runtime_state as wi_state, wf.r_start_date as wf_start_date, wf.r_runtime_state as wf_state, wi.r_exec_os_error as error, wi.r_act_seqno, 'after this' as r_object_id, a.r_object_id as activity_id, wi.r_object_id as workitem_id, wf.r_object_id as workflow_id, p.r_object_id as process_id
from dmi_workitem wi, dm_workflow wf, dm_process(all) p, dm_activity a
where wf.process_id = p.r_object_id
and wi.r_workflow_id = wf.r_object_id
and a.r_object_id = wi.r_act_def_id
and p.object_name = '{Process Name}'
and a.object_name like '{Activity Name}%'
and wf.supervisor_name like '{Supervisor Name}%'
and wi.r_performer_name like '{Performer Name}%'
and wi.r_runtime_state {Runtime State}
order by wf.r_object_id desc, wi.r_act_seqno desc

  Process Name.Label = "Process Name"
  Process Name.Mandatory = "yes"
  Process Name.ValueList = "select object_name from dm_process order by object_name"
  Process Name.ValueListType = "DQL query"
  Runtime State.Label = "Runtime State"
  Runtime State.Mandatory = "yes"
  Runtime State.ValueList = "= 0","= 1","= 2","= 3","= 4","= 5","<> 2","> 2"
  Runtime State.ValueListType = "Fixed list"

Running Workflow Activities
select w.r_object_id as workflow_id, wi.r_object_id as workitem_id, wi.r_performer_name, p.object_name, a.object_name as activity_name, wi.r_runtime_state, r_exec_os_error as os_error
from dm_process(all) p, dm_workflow w, dmi_workitem wi, dm_activity a
where w.r_object_id = '{Workflow Id}'
and w.r_object_id = wi.r_workflow_id
and wi.r_act_def_id = a.r_object_id
and p.r_object_id = w.process_id
order by wi.r_object_id desc;

Object in Workflow?
select distinct p.r_workflow_id, pc.object_name, p.r_package_name, p.r_package_type, p.r_component_id
from dmi_package p, dm_process(all) pc, dm_workflow w
where w.r_object_id = p.r_workflow_id and w.process_id = pc.r_object_id and any p.r_component_id = '{Object Id}'
enable (row_based);

Workflow Packages
select distinct r_package_type, r_component_id
from dmi_package
where r_workflow_id = '{WorkflowId}'
order by r_package_type

Fetch Workflow SDT
select *
from {std_name}_sp
where workflow_id = '{workflow_id}'

  std_name.Label = "STD Name"
  std_name.Mandatory = "yes"
  std_name.ValueList = "select name from dm_type where super_name = 'dmc_wfsd_element';"
  std_name.ValueListType = "DQL query"
  workflow_id.Label = "Workflow ID"
  workflow_id.Mandatory = "yes"

My Inbox Tasks
SELECT qi.r_object_id, p.object_name as process_name, qi.task_name, qi.task_state, as performer, qi.date_sent, wi.r_object_id as workitem_id, wf.r_object_id as workflow_id, p.r_object_id as process_id
FROM dmi_queue_item qi, dm_workflow wf, dm_process(all) p, dmi_workitem wi
WHERE qi.router_id = wf.r_object_id
and wf.process_id = p.r_object_id
and qi.item_id = wi.r_object_id
and qi.delete_flag = false
and = USER
ORDER BY qi.date_sent DESC

User Group Memberships
select distinct r_object_id, group_name, group_display_name from dm_group where group_class = 'group' and ANY i_all_users_names = '{User Name}' order by group_display_name;

  User Name.Mandatory = "yes"
  User Name.ValueList = "select user_name from dm_user;"
  User Name.ValueListType = "DQL query"
  User Name.Label = "User Name"

Kind regards, Marcus

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to duplicate an object

Hello readers,

While configuring a new documentum environment I was in need of a second configuration object. At first I just created the object and entered all attributes by hand although most values are the same as the first config object. I felt like an idiot to just type everything by hand, so I figured out how to duplicate the config object to save some time and keep things simple.

This is how it's done:
{new object_name value}

We need to use an API script to perform the task. As you can see the object_name is changed on the original object. However the change is not saved, it's used for the new object. When we commit the API commands, the original change will be lost but the new object will have the new object_name. In short, a new identical object is created and only the object_name is different.

Note: This can also be done for folders.

Kind regards, Marcus

Monday, August 30, 2010

The world of dqMan

Hello readers,

Most people I talk to about Documentum are using Samson, DQLTester, Delilah, or RepoInt. Over the last year I'm using dqMan to query on the Documentum repositories. It supports a rich set of features that will speed up your development times.

Aside from the querying part it can also do API scripts and even generate them by using API templates. You can have a DQL result list and generate another DQL batch for each row or create an API script. Very useful fixing stuff or when you want to kill a lot of workflows.

My personal favorite is the "favorites" library. I can store all my common used queries and I can exchange them with me colleges. It also let you open multiple tabs for different repositories (or the same by using a copy button) and dumped objects. You can easily switch between tabs to compare and do complex stuff.

Another cool feature is that you can build "input templates". These are placeholders within a query for object_ids, object_names or whatever you like and let a prompt window choose a value for it by another DQL, a fixed list or just a simple textfield, you name it.

But most of all it's free as the air around you.
Download dqMan it's worth a try!

Kind regards, Marcus

Monday, August 9, 2010

Unable to Set the PresetContext for PresetService

Hello readers,

If you are developing in Documentum Taskspace you may encounter the following error message while you login.
Unable to Set the PresetContext for PresetService. PresetService will not be available.
First try to clean the caches and empty the "C:\Documentum\Presets\" folder both on the application server. Sometimes the configuration is cached wrong.

This will most likely be the problem that the wrong ACL is set for your configuration objects. You can find the objects in "/System/Applications/YourApplication/Presets/".

All the configuration objects in this folder (and subfolders) need to have the "dmc_wdk_presets_acl" ACL. The owner needs to be "dmc_wdk_presets_owner". 

Make sure that all sub-folders and all underlying objects have the correct ACL!

Now Taskspace will have full access to the objects and the problem should be solved.

Kind regards, Marcus

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Taskspace users not available

Hello readers,

As you may all know Taskspace is the workflow client from EMC.
Taskspace is working with an user inbox where the tasks for the user will appear.
If you ever wonder why another user gets an inbox task, please keep in mind that users can set them-selfs to not available and delegate there tasks to someone else.

Here are some screenshots where you can see this feature.

So be careful when you start analyzing your process templates.
To quickly see what users are not available, this DQL query can come in handy.

select r_object_id, user_state, user_name, user_os_name, user_address, user_source, user_login_name, workflow_disabled, user_delegation, last_login_utc_time from dm_user where user_state = 0 and workflow_disabled = true;

Monday, June 7, 2010

About Documentum

Hello readers,

This is my first blog post about Documentum. I decided to start a blog about it, because I like to help people and to share my knowledge with the rest of the world.

To make things easier I will post tips and tricks about the things I came across while working with Documentum. But you can also expect some news items about EMC software and there partners aswell.

I hope this blog will be useful to some people out there.

King regards,