Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ADTS 6.7 Word to PDF (page numbering incorrect)

Hello readers,

While using ADTS 6.7 to convert Word to PDF I encountered the problem that simple page numbering is not working correctly.
The solution to this problem is simple.

Add the following registry entry to the DTS/ADTS Server:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adlib\Adlib Express\1.0.0\Native App Settings\Microsoft Word]
Restart Adlib and DTS/ADTS Services.

Kind regards, Marcus

[Source: EMC Technical Support]

AdvancedPDFProcessor - Time Out Within Advanced PDF Plugin

Hello readers,

Today I was again struggling with ADTS 6.7 to convert Word to PDF.
I know that I solved the problem before...

After a bit of digging I found the solution.
The problem is the Adlib software while running on a server in domain.

The log message
INFO [***] AdvancedPDFProcessor - Time Out Within Advanced PDF Plugin

The solution
- Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Documentum\CTS\Adlib\Express Web Services\Connector\ExponentConnector.exe".
- Browse to "Tools" > "Exponent Connector Options" and select "Exponent Managers" tab
- It should have two entries one with machine name and other with full machine name with domain. If not add the missing one.
- Carry out similar steps with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Documentum\CTS\Adlib\Express Web Services\Manager\ExponentManager.exe".
- Restart all CTS/ADTS and Adlib services.

Kind regards, Marcus


Decrypting passwords in Documentum

Hello readers,

In some situations you need to recover an encrypted password.
If you have a super user account you can use the following API command.
This will give you the password in plain text.

Kind regards, Marcus